🛠️ Two-Way (Duplex) Serial Communication Using An Arduino and P5.js



Setup and test on Aruido when not connecting to p5.js.

Connecting to p5.js

截屏2021-10-25 下午5.00.30.png

截屏2021-10-25 下午4.59.25.png

Then I open the serial control and the p5 web editor to make the connection between Arduino and P5.js. In the p5 sketch, I changed back the functions regarding the server connection status to console.log, letting the status appear in the console tab.


As shown in the video, I can control the location of the white ball using the potentiometer. The ball's color will ideally change when I press the button, but now it is not so obvious.

Flow Control: Call and Response (Handshaking)

截屏2021-10-25 下午5.10.06.png

Code for Arduino for the handshaking part.


Testing on Arduino only without p5 connection. When opening the idle, text "hello" appears repeatedly. The data can be accessed when typing something in the textbox.